Mediu de invatare pe capitole - Rules of the road - lecții și teste exemple

What's the meaning of this sign?

Local speed limit applies

No entry for vehicles

No waiting on the carriageway

National speed limit applies

This sign doesn't tell you the speed limit in figures


You should know the speed limit for the type of road that you're on and the type of vehicle that you're driving or riding. Study your copy of The Highway Code.

What's the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles on a dual carriageway?

60 mph

70 mph

30 mph

50 mph

Same as for the cars


The speed limit on a dual carriageway or motorway is 70 mph for cars and motorcycles, unless signs indicate otherwise. The speed limits for different types of vehicle are listed in The Highway Code.

There are no speed-limit signs on the road. How is a 30 mph limit generally indicated?

By hazard warning lines

By street lighting

By double or single yellow lines

By pedestrian islands

The lines are not telling you the speed


There's a 30 mph speed limit where there are street lights unless signs show another limit.

What will the speed limit usually be where you can see street lights but no speed-limit signs?

60 mph

30 mph

40 mph

50 mph

Same as in build-up areas


The presence of street lights generally indicates that there's a 30 mph speed limit, unless signs tell you otherwise.

What does this sign mean?

Minimum speed 30 mph

Maximum speed 30 mph

End of maximum speed

End of minimum speed

Blue circle gives instructions


The red slash through the sign indicates that the restriction has ended. In this case, the restriction was a minimum speed limit of 30 mph.

What should you do if you want to overtake a tractor but aren't sure that it's safe?

Sound your horn to make the tractor driver pull over

Stay behind it if you're in any doubt

Speed past, flashing your lights at oncoming traffic

Follow another vehicle as it overtakes the tractor

Always safety first


Following a tractor can be frustrating, but never overtake if you’re unsure whether it’s safe. Ask yourself: 'Can I see far enough down the road to ensure that I can complete the manoeuvre safely?' It's better to be delayed for a minute or two than to take a chance that may cause a collision.

Which vehicle is most likely to take an unusual course at a roundabout?

Estate car

Delivery van

Milk float

Long vehicle



Long vehicles might have to take a slightly different position when approaching the roundabout or going around it. This is to stop the rear of the vehicle cutting in and mounting the kerb.

When may you stop on a clearway?

When it's busy

During daylight hours


In the rush hour

Clearways are in place so that traffic can flow without the obstruction of parked vehicles


You mustn't stop where a clearway is in force, not even to pick up or set down passengers.


What's the meaning of this sign?

School crossing patrol

National speed limit

No entry

Waiting restrictions


This sign indicates that there are waiting restrictions. It's normally accompanied by details of when the restrictions are in force. Details of most signs in common use are shown in The Highway Code. For more comprehensive coverage, see Know Your Traffic Signs.

You're looking for somewhere to park at night. When may you park on the right-hand side of the road?

When you have your sidelights on

When you're more than 10 metres (32 feet) from a junction

When you're in a one-way street

When you're under a lamppost

Red rear reflectors show up when headlights shine, but they'll only reflect if you park in the same direction as the traffic flow


Normally you should park on the left, but in a one-way street you may also park on the right-hand side of the road.

When should you use the right-hand lane of a three-lane dual carriageway?

When you're overtaking or turning right

When you're using cruise control

When you're turning right only

When you're overtaking only

There are two exceptions


You should normally use the left-hand lane on any dual carriageway unless you're overtaking or turning right

You're approaching a busy junction. What should you do when, at the last moment, you realise you're in the wrong lane?

Continue in that lane

Force your way into the lane you need

Stop until the area has cleared

Use arm signals to help you change lane

Don't put yourself at risk by doing some moves, even stopping can be a dangerous move


Follow the lane you’re in and find somewhere safe to turn around and rejoin your route.

Where may you overtake on a one-way street?

Overtaking isn't allowed

Only on the right-hand side

On either the right or the left

Only on the left-hand side

On a one-way system overtaking is different than other roads


You can overtake other traffic on either side when traveling on a one-way street. Make full use of your mirrors and ensure it's clear all around before you attempt to overtake. Look for signs and road markings, and use the most suitable lane for your destination.

What signal should you give when you're going straight ahead at a roundabout?

Don't signal at any time

Signal left before leaving the roundabout

Signal left when you're approaching the roundabout

Signal right when you're approaching the roundabout

You need just one direction signal


When going straight ahead at a roundabout, don’t signal as you approach it. Signal left just after passing the exit before the one you wish to take.

Which vehicle might have to take a different course from normal at a roundabout?


Estate car

Long vehicle

Sports car



Always long vehicles might have to take a different course from normal at a roundabout so that the rear wheels don’t mount the kerb. If you’re following a long vehicle, stay well back and give it plenty of room.

When may you enter a box junction?

When your exit road is clear

When traffic signs direct you

When there are fewer than two vehicles ahead

When signalled by another road user

When you change direction


Yellow box junctions are marked on the road to prevent the road becoming blocked. Don’t enter the box unless your exit road is clear. You may wait in the box if you want to turn right and your exit road is clear but oncoming traffic or other vehicles waiting to turn right are preventing you from making the turn.

When may you stop and wait in a box junction?

When you're on a roundabout

When you're in a queue of traffic turning left

When you're in a queue of traffic going ahead

When oncoming traffic prevents you from turning right

When you change direction.


The purpose of yellow box markings is to keep junctions clear of queuing traffic. You may only wait in the marked area when you’re turning right but you can’t complete the turn because of oncoming traffic or other traffic waiting to turn right.

Who is authorised to signal you to stop?

A police officer

A motorcyclist

A pedestrian

A bus driver

The one that has authority.


You must obey signals to stop given by police and traffic officers, traffic wardens and school crossing patrols.

What should you do if you see a pedestrian waiting at a zebra crossing?

Be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross

Ignore them as they're still on the pavement

Go on quickly before they step onto the crossing

Stop before you reach the zigzag lines and let them cross

Zebra crossing has parallel lines not zigzag lines


By standing on the pavement, the pedestrian is showing an intention to cross. By looking well ahead, you'll give yourself time to see the pedestrian, check your mirrors and respond safely.

Which road users benefit from toucan crossings?

Tram and train drivers

Car drivers and motorcyclists

Cyclists and pedestrians

Bus and lorry drivers

Toucan, pelican, puffin and zebra crossing are designed especially for pedestrians


Toucan crossings are similar to pelican crossings but there's no flashing amber phase. Cyclists share the crossing with pedestrians and are allowed to cycle across when the green cycle symbol is shown.

You’re waiting at a pelican crossing. What does it mean when the red light changes to flashing amber?

Get ready and go when the continuous amber light shows

Wait for the green light before moving off

Move off immediately without any hesitation

Give way to pedestrians on the crossing

This light allows pedestrians already on the crossing to get to the other side in their own time, without being rushed.


Don’t rev your engine or start to move off while they’re still crossing.

You see these double white lines along the centre of the road. When may you park on the left?

When there are no yellow lines

During daylight hours only

To pick up or set down passengers

If the line nearest to you is broken

You mustn't park or stop on a road marked with double white lines, even where one of the lines is broken


Except to pick up or set down passengers.

You're turning right at a crossroads. An oncoming driver is also turning right. What's the advantage of turning behind the oncoming vehicle?

You'll be able to turn without stopping

You'll have more time to turn

You'll use less fuel because you can stay in a higher gear

You'll have a clearer view of any approaching traffic

It's generally safer to turn behind the approaching vehicle.


It is called 'turning offside to offside', this allows you a clear view of approaching traffic however, some junctions, usually controlled by traffic-light filters - are marked for vehicles to turn nearside to nearside.

You're travelling along a residential street. There are parked vehicles on the left-hand side. Why should you keep your speed down?

Children may run out from between the vehicles

So that oncoming traffic can see you more clearly

There may be delivery lorries on the street

You may set off car alarms

Residential areas have a lot of residents


Travel slowly and carefully near parked vehicles. Beware of • vehicles pulling out, especially bicycles and motorcycles • pedestrians, especially children, who may run out from between cars • drivers opening their doors.

What should you do when there's an obstruction on your side of the road?

Accelerate to get past first

Wave oncoming vehicles through

Give way to oncoming traffic

Carry on, as you have priority

You'll have to overtake the car so be careful.


Take care if you have to pass an obstruction, such as a parked vehicle, on your side of the road. Give way to oncoming traffic if there isn’t enough room for you both to continue safely.

When would you use the right-hand lane of a two-lane dual carriageway?

When you're turning right or overtaking

When you're passing a side road on the left

When you're travelling at a constant high speed

When you're staying at the minimum allowed speed

Keep left unless overtaking


Normally you should travel in the left-hand lane and only use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. Move back into the left lane as soon as it’s safe but don’t cut in across the path of the vehicle you’ve just passed.

Who has priority at an unmarked crossroads?

The smaller vehicle

The faster vehicle

The larger vehicle

No-one has priority

Guess who?


At unmarked crossroads nobody has priority. Practice good observation in all directions before you emerge or make a turn.

What's the nearest you may park to a junction?

15 metres (49 feet)

20 metres (66 feet)

12 metres (39 feet)

10 metres (32 feet)

The minimum distance.


Don't park within 10 meters (32 feet) of a junction (unless in an authorised parking place). This is to allow drivers emerging from, or turning into, the junction a clear view of the road they're joining. It also allows them to see hazards such as pedestrians or cyclists at the junction.

You're looking for somewhere to safely park your vehicle. Where would you choose to park?

Near the brow of a hill

On the approach to a level crossing

In a designated parking space

At or near a bus stop

You cannot park anywhere.


It may be tempting to park where you shouldn’t while you run a quick errand. Careless parking is a selfish act and could endanger other road users.

You're waiting at a level crossing. What must you do if a train passes but the lights keep flashing?

Phone the signal operator

Carry on waiting

Edge over the stop line and look for trains

Park and investigate

What can you do when you see a red light?


If the lights at a level crossing keep flashing after a train has passed, you should continue to wait, because another train might be coming. Be patient and wait until the lights stop flashing.

What does this sign mean?

No through road

Free-parking zone ends

End of traffic-calming zone

End of controlled parking zone

It is about parking not speed.


This sign shows that you're leaving a controlled parking zone and those restrictions no longer apply.

What must you do if you come across roadworks that have a temporary speed limit displayed?

Ignore the displayed limit

Use your own judgement; the limit is only advisory

Obey the speed limit

Obey the limit, but only during rush hour

Follow the limit.


Where there are extra hazards, such as at roadworks, it’s often necessary to slow traffic by imposing a lower speed limit. These speed limits aren’t advisory; they must be obeyed.

You're in a built-up area at night and the road is well lit. Why should you use dipped headlights?

So that you can go at a much faster speed

So that you can see further along the road

So that you can be easily seen by others

So that you can switch to main beam quickly

It is not what you see it is about what others can see.


You may be difficult to see when you’re travelling at night, even on a well-lit road. If you use dipped headlights rather than sidelights, other road users should be able to see you more easily.

You're turning right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do if the central reservation is too narrow to contain your vehicle?

Stop in the first lane so that other vehicles give way

Wait until the road is clear in both directions

Proceed to the central reservation and wait

Emerge slightly to show your intentions

When the central reservation is narrow, it may not be able to fit your vehicle in.


In this case, you should treat a dual carriageway as one road. Wait until the road is clear in both directions before emerging to turn right. If you try to treat it as two separate roads and wait in the middle, your vehicle will stick out and cause an obstruction that may lead to a collision.

What's the national speed limit on a single carriageway road for cars and motorcycles?

60 mph

50 mph

30 mph

70 mph

10mph less than dual carriageway.


Exceeding the speed limit is dangerous and can result in you receiving penalty points on your licence. Different speed limits apply if you're towing a trailer.

What should you do when you park at night on a road that has a 40 mph speed limit?

Leave parking lights switched on

Park near a street light

Park facing the traffic

* While parking not after parking.
Leave dipped headlights switched on


You must use parking lights when parking at night on a road or in a lay-by on a road with a speed limit greater than 30 mph. You must also park in the direction of the traffic flow and not close to a junction.

Where will you see these red and white markers?

Approaching a concealed level crossing

Approaching a concealed speed-limit sign

Approaching the end of a motorway

Approaching the end of a dual carriageway

The signs don't show you the end of something it is showing you approaching something


If there's a bend just before a level crossing, you may not be able to see the level-crossing barriers or waiting traffic. These signs give you an early warning that you may find these hazards just around the bend.

You're travelling on a motorway in England. When must you stop your vehicle?

When signalled to stop by a driver who has broken down

When signalled to stop by a pedestrian on the hard shoulder

When signalled to stop by a traffic officer

When signalled to stop by a roadworks supervisor

It's an offence not to comply with their directions.


You'll find traffic officers on motorways and some primary routes in England and Wales. They work in partnership with the police, helping to keep traffic moving and helping to make your journey as safe as possible.

How should you signal if you're going straight ahead at a roundabout?

Signal right on the approach and then left to leave the roundabout

Signal left just after you pass the exit before the one you're going to take

Signal right on the approach to the roundabout and keep the signal on

Signal left after you leave the roundabout and enter the new road

You won't normally need to signal as you approach.


To go straight ahead at a roundabout, you should normally approach in the left-hand lane, but check the road markings. You won't normally need to signal as you approach, but signal before you leave the roundabout, as other road users need to know your intentions.

When may you drive over a pavement?

To overtake slow-moving traffic

To gain access to a property

When the pavement is very wide

If there are no pedestrians nearby

It's illegal to drive on or over the pavement.


It's illegal to drive on or over a pavement, except to gain access to a property. If you need to cross a pavement, give priority to pedestrians.

A single carriageway road has this sign. What's the maximum permitted speed for a car towing a trailer?

60 mph

30 mph

50 mph

40 mph

When towing, speed reduces by 10mph than the usual speed on dual carriageways or motorways.


When you're towing a trailer, a reduced speed limit also applies on dual carriageways and motorways. These lower speed limits apply to vehicles pulling all sorts of trailers, including caravans and horse boxes.

What's the speed limit for a car towing a caravan on a dual carriageway?

70 mph

60 mph

40 mph

50 mph

When towing, speed reduces by 10mph than the usual speed on dual carriageways or motorways.


The speed limit for cars towing caravans or trailers on dual carriageways or motorways is 60 mph. Take care in windy weather, as a strong side wind can make a caravan or large trailer unstable.

You want to park and you see this sign. What should you do on the days and times shown?

Park on yellow lines and not pay

Park in a bay and pay

Park in a bay and not pay

Park on yellow lines and pay

Park in the right place and pay


Parking restrictions apply in a variety of places and situations. Make sure you know the rules and understand where and when restrictions apply. Controlled parking areas will be indicated by signs and road markings. Parking in the wrong place could cause an obstruction and danger to other traffic. It can also result in a fine.

A cycle lane, marked by a solid white line, is in operation. What does this mean for car drivers?

They may park in the lane

They mustn't drive along the lane

They may use the lane when necessary

They may drive in the lane at any time

Don't step on the white solid line.


While it's in operation, other vehicles must not use this part of the carriageway except to pick up or set down passengers. At other times, when the lane isn't in operation, you should still be aware that there may be cyclists using the lane. Give them plenty of room as you pass and allow for their movement from side to side, especially in windy weather or on a bumpy road.

You're going to turn left from a main road into a minor road. What should you do as you approach the junction?

Keep just left of the middle of the road

Keep in the middle of the road

Swing out to the right just before turning

Keep well to the left of the road

Just keep left.


Your road position can help other road users to anticipate your actions. Keep to the left as you approach a left turn and don't swing out into the centre of the road in order to make the turn easier. This could endanger oncoming traffic and may cause other road users to misunderstand your intentions.

You're waiting at a level crossing. What should you do if the red warning lights continue to flash after a train has passed by?

Drive across carefully

Continue to wait

Get out and investigate

Telephone the signal operator

Be patient.


At a level crossing, flashing red lights mean you must stop. If the train passes but the lights keep flashing, wait, another train may be coming.

What should you do if the amber lights come on and a warning sounds while you're driving over a level crossing?

Keep going and clear the crossing

Stop immediately and use your hazard warning lights

Get everyone out of the vehicle immediately

Stop and reverse back to clear the crossing

Never stop on the level crossing.


Keep going; don’t stop on the crossing. If the warning sounds and the amber lights come on as you’re approaching the crossing, you must stop unless it's unsafe to do so. Red flashing lights together with the audible warning mean you must stop.

You're driving on a busy main road. What should you do if you find that you're driving in the wrong direction?

Turn into a side road on the right and reverse into the main road

Make a U-turn in the main road

Make a ‘three-point’ turn in the main road

Turn around in a side road

Always make the safer move.


Don’t turn around in a busy street or reverse from a side road into a main road. Find a quiet side road and choose a place to turn around where you won’t obstruct an entrance or exit. Look out for pedestrians and cyclists as well as other traffic.

When may you drive without wearing your seat belt?

When you're moving off on a hill

When you're carrying out a manoeuvre that includes reversing

When you're testing your brakes

When you're driving slowly in queuing traffic

Keep your seatbelt always in traffic.


You may remove your seat belt while you're carrying out a manoeuvre that includes reversing. However, you must remember to put it back on again before you resume driving.

How far are you allowed to reverse?

No more than a car’s length

As far as it takes to reverse around a corner

No further than is necessary

The length of a residential street

There isn't any length.


You mustn't reverse further than is necessary. You may decide to turn your vehicle around by reversing into an opening or side road. When you reverse, always look all around you and watch for pedestrians. Don’t reverse from a side road into a main road.

What should you do when you're unsure whether it's safe to reverse your vehicle?

Reverse slowly

Rev your engine

Sound your horn

Get out and check

It is called G.O.A.L.


A small child could be hidden directly behind you, so, if you can't see all around your vehicle, get out and have a look. You could also ask someone reliable outside the vehicle to guide you.

Why could it be dangerous to reverse from a side road into a main road?

Your reversing lights will be hidden

Your view will be restricted

Your mirrors will need adjusting

Your reverse sensors will beep

It is very dangerous to reverse into the main road because...


Don’t reverse into a main road from a side road because your view will be restricted. The main road is likely to be busy and the traffic on it moving quickly.

You want to turn right at a box junction. What should you do if there's oncoming traffic?

Wait before the junction until it's clear of all traffic

Drive on; you can't turn right at a box junction

Wait in the box junction if your exit is clear

Drive slowly into the box junction when signalled by oncoming traffic

Wait. At some point there'll be a gap in the oncoming traffic, or the traffic lights will change, allowing you to proceed.


You can wait in the box junction as long as your exit is clear.

You're reversing into a side road. When would your vehicle be the greatest hazard to passing traffic?

After you’ve completed the manoeuvre

After you’ve entered the side road

When the front of your vehicle swings out

Just before you begin to manoeuvre

When the car change position.


Always check in all directions before reversing. Keep a good lookout throughout the manoeuvre and remember that the front will swing out as you reverse into the side road. Act on what you see and wait if necessary.

Where's the safest place to park your vehicle at night?

On a busy road

In a quiet car park

Near a red route

In a garage

Of course at home.


If you have a garage, use it. Your vehicle is less likely to be a victim of car crime if it's in a garage. Also, in winter, the windows will be kept free from ice and snow.

When may you stop on an urban clearway?

To load or unload goods

To use a mobile telephone

To set down and pick up passengers

To ask for directions

When you ll stop only for a few seconds.


Urban clearways have their times of operation clearly signed. You may only stop to pick up or set down passengers.

You're looking for somewhere to park your vehicle. Neither you or your passenger are disabled. What should you do if the only free spaces are marked for disabled drivers?

Use one of the spaces as long as one is kept free

Wait for a regular parking space to become free

Park in one of these spaces but stay with your vehicle

Use one of these spaces

Disabled parking is just for disabled drivers only.


It's illegal to park in a space reserved for disabled drivers unless you're permitted to do so. These spaces are provided for people with limited mobility, who may need extra space to get in and out of their vehicle.

You're on a road that's only wide enough for one vehicle. What should you do if a car is coming towards you?

Pull into a passing place if your vehicle is wider

Force the other driver to reverse

Pull into a passing place on your right

Pull into a passing place on your left

Pull into the driving side.


Pull into the nearest passing place on the left if you meet another vehicle on a narrow road. If the nearest passing place is on the right, wait opposite it.

You're driving at night with your headlights on main beam. A vehicle is overtaking you. When should you dip your headlights?

As soon as the vehicle passes you

Before the vehicle starts to pass you

Some time after the vehicle has passed you

Only if the other driver dips their headlights

On main beam, your lights could dazzle the driver in front.


Dip your headlights as soon as the driver passes you and drop back so that the dipped beam falls short of the vehicle in front.

When may you drive a car in this bus lane?

You may not use it at any time

To overtake slow-moving traffic

Outside its hours of operation

To get to the front of a traffic queue

Check the time from the sign.


Some bus lanes operate only during peak hours and other vehicles may use them outside these hours. Make sure you check the sign for the hours of operation before driving in a bus lane.

Other than direction indicators, how can you give signals to other road users?

By using fog lights

By using sidelights

By using brake lights

By using interior lights

Usually, it happens when is traffic.


Your brake lights will give an indication to traffic behind that you're slowing down. Good anticipation will allow you time to check your mirrors before slowing.

You're parked in a busy high street. What's the safest way to turn your vehicle around so you can drive in the opposite direction?

Turn around in a quiet side road

Carry out a U-turn

Ask someone to stop the traffic

Drive into a side road and reverse out into the main road

Choose a place to turn that's safe and consider other road users


Make sure you carry out the manoeuvre without causing a hazard to other vehicles.

Where should you park your vehicle at night?

In a quiet road

Near a police station

On a red route

In a well-lit area

The road is always quiet at night.


When you're parking at night, park in a well-lit area. This can help deter criminals from targeting your vehicle.

You're driving in the right-hand lane of a dual carriageway. What should you do if you see a sign showing that the right-hand lane is closed 800 yards ahead?

Keep in that lane until you reach the queue

Move to the left in good time

Move to the left immediately

Wait and see which lane is moving faster

be good


Keep a lookout for traffic signs. If you’re directed to change lanes, do so in good time. Don’t push your way into traffic in another lane • try to gain advantage by delaying changing lanes.

You're driving on a road that has a cycle lane. What does it mean if the lane is marked by a broken white line?

There's a reduced speed limit for motor vehicles using the lane

You shouldn't drive in the lane unless it's unavoidable

The lane must be used by motorcyclists in heavy traffic

Cyclists can travel in both directions in that lane

You may step on a broken white line.


Cycle lanes are marked with either a solid or a broken white line. If the line is solid, you should check the times of operation shown on the signs, and not drive or park in the lane during those times. If the line is broken, you shouldn't drive or park in the lane unless it's unavoidable.

When are you allowed to park in a parking bay for disabled drivers?

When you have a Blue Badge

When you have an adapted vehicle

When you have a wheelchair

When you have an advanced driver certificate

Disabled drivers have a colored certificate.


Don’t park in a space reserved for disabled people unless you or your passenger are a Blue Badge holder. The badge must be displayed on the dashboard or fascia panel, where it can be clearly read through the front windscreen.


When must you stop your vehicle?

If you’re involved in an incident that causes damage or injury

At a junction where there are ‘give way’ lines

At the end of a one-way street

Before merging onto a motorway


You must stop your vehicle when signalled to do so by a • police, DVSA or traffic officer • traffic warden • school crossing patrol • red traffic light. You must also stop if you're involved in an incident that causes damage or injury to any other person, vehicle, animal or property.

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